Webinar Recording: Giving Consumers a Reason to Engage
This is no time for ordinary projects or copycat marketing that yawns out the same old messaging. Not that there’s ever a good time to be boring with your printed promotions.
But you'd be hard-pressed to find a worse time to go with ordinary. Consumer behavior has changed: months of sheltering-at-home has changed the way we shop and the way we feel about shopping. It's going to take more to break through the fatigue that months of shutdown and pandemic-heavy marketing has inflicted on your audience. It's time to wow them.
Multisensory Marketing Can Help You Break Through
Are you familiar with the latest research and thought leadership around what's going on in the minds and hearts of consumers right now? We'll share how you can use it to incorporate the messaging and delivery that will hit the right note for these unusual times.
View our recorded webinar to learn more about proven multisensory techniques for engaging consumers with messaging they can feel, smell and experience through special effects that include water, light and heat activated messaging, custom glitter, textures, and a library of scents we stopped counting at about 800.
If your'e an agency or printer trying to help your clients make the most of the rebound, you'll want to learn about the multisensory combinations we've used to create extraordinary campaigns for some of the biggest and best-known brands in the world.
View the Webinar Recording
Fill out the form below so that you can watch the video, which includes 53 minutes of content and audience Q&A (* required):
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