Study Shows 93% of Printers Say Specialty Printing Increases Profitability
The Print Industries Market Information and Research Organization (PRIMIR) recently published a study entitled Value-Added Printing & Finishing for Improved Profitability.
The study looks at 23 printing special effects, including glitter, gloss & matte, scents, scratch-off, glow-in-the dark, and textures printed with UV coatings and other specialty inks.
According to Hal Hinderliter who conducted the study, “Adding value to print is often touted as a way to improve the profitability of print service providers, but until now there has never been definitive research on the topic.” Hinderliter’s team surveyed 577 print service providers (PSPs), trade service providers (TSPs), print buyers, brand managers, and vendors through in-depth phone interviews.
Interestingly, scented inks ranked the best for increasing profitability from all other value-adding printing techniques. Based on our 30 years of experience, we know that consumer scent recall is significantly greater than image recall, and certain scents can be used to evoke certain emotions in consumers, including safety, relaxation, attention, affluence, nostalgia, and openness.
Below is a nice visual summary of the study, courtesy of The Visual Media Alliance:
Contact us to learn how to increase your profitability with specialty printing